• Find Fourth Quarter Success With These Fort Lauderdale Small Business Tips

    The fourth quarter is upon us, which means it's time to start wrapping up the year and preparing for the next one. For small businesses, this means taking stock of what you've accomplished, setting new goals, and making sure you're ready for the holiday season. From the Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce, here's a rundown of what you need to do to get your small business ready for the fourth quarter.


    Evaluate Your Goal Achievement


    The first order of business is to take a look at how you did in terms of meeting your goals for the year. Did you hit your targets? If not, why not? What can you do differently next year to make sure you're successful? Outlining your successes and failures will help you create a roadmap for the future.


    Outline Next Year’s Goals


    Once you've taken stock of your achievements, it's time to start setting new goals for the upcoming year. What do you want to accomplish? How can you grow your business? What are some new initiatives you want to undertake? Answering these questions will help you set realistic goals that you can work towards in the coming year.


    Plan Holiday Marketing Campaign


    If you're a small business owner, the holiday season is crucial. Make sure you have a plan in place for marketing your products or services during this busy time of year. From running sales to creating holiday-themed content, there are a number of ways to make sure your business stands out during the holidays.


    For example, try creating a PDF gift guide filled with sales info and product images, then use this free tool to split it into multiple PDFs. From there, you can send them to various social media groups to further spread the word through some additional targeted marketing.


    Update Your Website and Social Media


    One of the best ways to promote your business is by making sure your website and social media profiles are up-to-date. This includes ensuring that your contact information is correct, adding any new products or services, and creating fresh content that will capture attention. A little bit of upkeep can go a long way in terms of promoting your business online.


    Raise Inventory Levels


    If you sell physical products, it's important to make sure you have enough inventory on hand to meet customer demand during the fourth quarter rush. No one wants to wait weeks for their purchase to arrive, so plan ahead and stock up accordingly. This will help ensure that your customers are happy and that they keep coming back for more.


    Review Your Accounting and Organize Tax Documents


    The end of the year is also a good time to review your accounting practices. This includes making sure all of your expenses are accounted for, updating your records, and preparing any necessary tax paperwork. Getting your finances in order now will save you a lot of headaches come tax season.


    Speaking of taxes, now is also a good time to start organizing all of your tax paperwork. This way, when it comes time to file your taxes, you'll have everything you need at hand and won't have to scramble come April 15th. Trust us—taxes are stressful enough as it is!


    Adjust Your Business Structure if Need Be


    If your business has grown significantly over the past year, it may be time to change its legal structure. For example, if you're currently operating as a sole proprietorship but have hired employees, it may be wise to switch to an LLC or corporation. Consult with an attorney or accountant to determine if changing your business structure makes sense for you.


    The fourth quarter is a crucial time for small businesses. By taking stock of where you are and where you want to be, you can set yourself up for success in the coming year. With some careful planning and preparation, you can make sure that your small business ends the year on a high note—and starts the next one even stronger.

    Grow your business by building relationships with other local entrepreneurs and accessing unique resources offered by the Greater Fort Lauderdale LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Join us today!